Today we are going to read books 1-2. HOMEWORK - outline what happens on your blogs.
Unit Learning goal: At the end of this unit, students will be able to show an understanding of the Odyssey as an Epic Poem by creating a video/powerpoint that lists the epic elements of the Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role of the Epic Hero, and summaries the book into six parts.
Unit Learning goal: At the end of this unit, students will be able to show an understanding of the Odyssey as an Epic Poem by creating a video/powerpoint that lists the epic elements of the Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role of the Epic Hero, and summaries the book into six parts.
relating to learning goal:
4 – The student is able to show an understanding of the
Odyssey as an Epic Poem by creating a video/powerpoint that not only lists the epic
elements of the Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role of the Epic Hero,
and summaries the book into six parts, but also relates the Odyssey to
contemporary society.
3 – The student can show an understanding of the Odyssey
as an Epic Poem by creating a video/powerpoint that lists the epic elements of the
Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role of the Epic Hero, and summaries the
book into six parts
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student
can show an understanding of the Odyssey as an Epic Poem by creating a video/pointpower that lists the epic elements of the Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role
of the Epic Hero, and summaries the book into six parts
1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable
to show an understanding of the Odyssey as an Epic Poem by creating a video/powerpoint that lists the epic elements of the Odyssey, discuss how Odysseus fits the role
of the Epic Hero, and summaries the book into six parts
Objectives (smaller chunks of overall goal) and suggested time periods
OBJECTIVES: At the end of this unit students will be able to
Be able to show three examples from the text to back up each of the following:
Coming of Age
Forgetting (or the evils of drugs and women)
Be able to explain the following and why they are used:
Back story of Troy
Other Epic elements:
Starts “in the middle of things”; Odysseus’ tragic flaw; sports
Be able to explain the following:
Birds (especially eagles); Hades; Odyssey’s Wound
GODS (know the following and what they do in the text)::
Athena; Poseidon; Hermes; Zeus; Helios
SEDUCTRESSES: (know the following and their purpose)
Helen; Calypso; Circe; Sirens
Be able to give a description of the following and their roles in the story (perhaps what the symbolize or represent – and connect to a theme)
Agammenon Amphinomos
Achilles Telemachos
Helen Laertes
Menelaus Penelope
Aias (Ajax) Antinoos
Orestes Eurymachos
Nestor Lotus Eaters
Mentor Ciconians
Nausicaa Polyphemos
Alcinoos Scylla
Arete Charybdis
Emaios Aiolos
Theoclymenos Elpenor
Melanthios Teiresias
Arnaios Eurylochos
Eurycleia Cassandra
Tityo Tantalus
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