Thursday, 28 August 2014

Story Boards


By yourself, you will create a storyboard for “Harrison Bergeron”.  I want you to use your notes on the list of events in the plot.  Things you will need to include in your storyboard:

1)    At least twelve events from the story.  Make sure you have at least one scene dedicated to each part of the part. 
2)    Above the scene write the part of plot in which the scene happens.
3)    Below the scene write a brief description of the scene.


Your will be graded in the following ways:

1)    Drawing of each scene – 24 points
2)    Labeling of plot for each scene – 12 points
3)    Explanation or description of each scene – 12 points
4)    Neatness and following directions – 5 points

TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 53 pts.  This project will be due on Wednesday and will be put on the walls for everyone to see – including future students.  

HW: Do "Vocabulary in Context" on page 46 1-6. 

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