English 10
Course Syllabus: 2014-2015
Instructor: Mr. Fielding
English 10: World Literature
Align to the Common Core
Standards English 10 is a thematic exploration of literary and informative
texts of world literature. While English
9 is an exploration of genre, English 10 is an exploration of ideas (themes,
arguments, thesis statements). Students
will a variety of literature and literary genres from Ancient Greek classics to
contemporary works, and cite textual evidence to analyze characters, figurative
language, and cultural themes. In
informative reading students will analyze how claims and central ideas are
developed and shaped by specific details.
writing students will build on the foundation established in 9th grade
for composing literary, persuasive, and reflective essays, and to produce an
original research paper. Additionally, students will utilize proper writing
conventions appropriate to their learning level. To accomplish this, students
will actively read from an extensive selection spanning all literary genres,
analyze these works, develop original theses, and share their ideas in formal
compositions (persuasive, reflective, and analytical), class discussions, and
oral presentations.
Students this year will learn
strategies for writing successful persuasive essays and compose one using
proper MLA citations.
Texts (students will read some or all of the following): Holt McDougal: English 10, A Brave New World, The Tragedy of Macbeth, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Oedipus Rex, The Odyssey, All Quiet of the Western Front, Catcher in the Rye.
Students will be required to keep a blog throughout the
year. This blog will be the student’s
journal. In this blog/journal will be
reading reflections, lists of literary devices found in stories and novels,
creative assignments that correspond with readings, pre-writing exercises,
analytical writing.
NOTE: Blogs will count as your journal grade. I read every journal entry and you will lose
points for skipping entries or not following directions. If you do not understand an assignment please
Blogs can be made private if students and/or parents do not
wish work to be viewed by the public.
Tests – 25% of overall grade
Papers—25% of overall grade
Projects—20% of overall grade
Quizzes, class work, homework—20% of overall grade
Journals—10% of overall grade
100- 93 = A
92.49- 90 = A-
89.49- 87 = B+
86.49-83.00 = B
82.49- 80.00 = B-
79.49-77.00 = C+
76.49- 73 = C
72.49-70.00 = C-
69.49-67.00 = D+
66.49- 63.00 = D
62.49- 60 = D-
Below 60 = F
Late Work: Late work is marked down 10% every day it is overdue and will not be accepted after 4 days. Please note that this policy includes papers. Some projects (such as oral presentations) will receive zeros if not done on the day assigned.
Late Work: Late work is marked down 10% every day it is overdue and will not be accepted after 4 days. Please note that this policy includes papers. Some projects (such as oral presentations) will receive zeros if not done on the day assigned.
Required Materials:
1 Pocket Folders (to keep
handouts, note guides, returned work)
1 Binder with loose paper
Something to write with
General Guidelines:
- Be prepared when class begins. It is imperative that all pencils are sharpened and materials are ready when the bell rings.
- Class discussions should be conducted in an orderly and respectful fashion. Students should not disrupt their classmates and should respect the opinions of others.
- Do not talk when I am talking.
- I dismiss you, not the bell!
- You may choose you own seat, but I reserve the right to assign seats or move you if I see the need.
Behavioral Expectations
- Respect others and their property. This respect extends to remaining quiet during announcements, directions, lectures, and presentations.
- Learning is the 1st priority.
- Make Good Choices and Be Accountable for the bad ones.
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