Friday, 20 March 2015

Persuasive Essays

Unit Learning goal: Students will be able to research, write and perform an original persuasive essay that takes a side on an issue and successfully argues for that side.    

Scale/Rubric relating to learning goal:
4 – The student can write and perform an original persuasive speech that that takes a side on an issue and successfully argues for that side using all six elements of persuasion.  The writing and performance are both exemplarily effective. 
3 – The student is able to write an original and perform an original persuasive essay that takes a side on an issue and successfully argues for that side.   
2 – With some direction/help from the teacher the student is able to write and perform an original persuasive essay that takes a side on an issue and/or successfully argues for that side.   
 1 – Even with help from the teacher the student is unable to write and/or perform an original persuasive essay that takes a side on an issue and successfully argues for that side.   

OBJECTIVES:  By the end of this unit students will be able to

1) Define the following terms: Logos, Ethos, Pathos, Thesis Statement, Order of Development, Conclusion, Transition, Audience, Hook, Purpose, Evidence
2) List the six traits of writing and the six steps in the writing process.
3) Properly outline the constructive for a debate and rebut opponents points/arguments
4) Participate in Spar and Forum debate
5) Watch a national debate and evaluate and explain who won by keeping a flow chart of arguments and rebuttals
6) Choose a topic about a controversial issues and take one side of argument
7) List the Do’s and Don’ts of persuasive argument
8) Write a clear and precise thesis statement with an order of development
9) Properly cite sources both in-text and on a works cited page
10) Find evidence from a variety of different sources including Print Sources, Internet Sources, Media Sources, and Personal Sources
11) Use the Internet to properly to conduct research  
12) Create at least 10 Bibliography citations and 10 research entries
13) Use research notes to cite passages from sources 
14) Use evidence to back up your position
15) Use your order of development as an organizational tool
16) Use transitions to connect points of argument
17) Use Standard Edited American English
18) Use Proper College Composition Format
19) Use the six steps of the writing process to draft and revise a paper
20) Write three drafts of a persuasive essay using at least three sources of evidence
21) Present the final draft of your essay as an oration to class

Today we are going to go over Logos, Pathos, Ethos and the Do's and Dont's of Argumentation.  You need to take notes as there will be a quiz on this coming up soon.  We will also outline our debate tournament.

HOMEWORK:  Read: “Abolishing the Penny Makes Good Sense” by Alan S. Blinder – in textbook page 646  

First - let's look at an oration:

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